Kami menjual berbagai Industrial Vacuum Pumps untuk keperluan industri, silahkan hubungi kami di Telepon : 021 3452041 // 021 384 0822
Fax : 021 384 1012

Kaishan Compressor industrial vacuum pumps leverage our longstanding expertise in compressor technology to offer industrial customers a quiet, reliable and cost-effective option for their manufacturing needs. Our products are powerful, versatile and designed to deliver value in any application. Choose a Kaishan vacuum pump for quality you can trust, shift after shift. Keep reading to learn more or contact our office for technical specifications or to request a quote
Industrial Vacuum Pumps
About Vacuum Pumps
The term “vacuum pump” refers to any piece of equipment designed to remove gases from a sealed chamber, leaving a vacuum. At Kaishan Compressor, we carry positive displacement vacuum pumps for the convenience and effectiveness of our customers.
Positive displacement pumps create a vacuum by repeatedly expanding the volume of a cavity, sealing off a portion of it and pumping gas inside. This cyclical process moves gas at a constant speed, making it a stable and reliable choice for many industrial applications. They’re highly reliable and efficient, produce low noise and have the capability to be used in industries that operate in harsh environments.
Different applications require different types of pumps, but positive displacement models are the most commonly used in manufacturing and industry. Precision metal processing, printing, woodwork, injection plastic and other applications and industries make heavy use of these vacuum pumps as well.
Industrial Vacuum Pumps
Additional info
Profil Perusahaan
Kaishan Compressor Indonesia adalah supplier kompresor udara industri yang memproduksi kompresor udara untuk berbagai industri. Kami memproduksi kompresor screw , pompa vakum, kompresor udara portabel, dan peralatan pengolahan udara untuk mengurus semua kebutuhan udara tekan Anda.
Dengan tujuh fasilitas manufaktur modern dan inovatif kami di seluruh dunia, kami memproduksi dan memasok peralatan udara bertekanan ke lebih dari 60 wilayah dan negara seperti Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Korea, Afrika, Australia, dan Jepang.
Produk Kami
Kami menjual berbagai produk unggulan di antaranya:
- Compressors
- Presure Vessels
- Orc power generation
- Steam Expanders
- Industrial Vacuum Pumps
Jika anda berminat atau ingin menanyakan informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi:
Alamat : jl musi 5 , Jakarta 10150 Indonesia
Telepon : 021 3452041 // 021 384 0822
Fax : 021 384 1012
Hubungi Kami
Alamat : jl musi 5 , Jakarta 10150 Indonesia
Telepon : 021 3452041 // 021 384 0822
Fax : 021 384 1012